How bad are sun beds for your skin? A look at skin cancer risk and visible ageing from sun beds.

How bad are sun beds for your skin? A look at skin cancer risk and visible ageing from sun beds.

Hey there, sun-seekers of the UK! We get it, we really do. The allure of sun-kissed skin can be hard to resist, especially when our British weather can be so gray and gloomy.

But before you hop onto that sunbed for a quick tan fix, let's shed some light on the not-so-sunny side of sunbeds and why you might want to consider a healthier alternative - gradual tanning moisturisers

Sunbeds and Skin Cancer: A Risky Affair

You might be thinking, "What's the harm in a little bronzing session?" Well, there's quite a lot, actually. Sunbeds are notorious for their link to skin cancer, and the numbers don't lie. According to Cancer Research UK, using a sunbed before the age of 35 increases your risk of developing melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) by a whopping 75%! (Cancer Research UK)

man in sunbed

Sunbeds are now classified as being as cancerous as asbestos. Would you lie in a tube of concentrated asbestos on a weekly basis? 

And it's not just melanoma. Other types of skin cancer, like basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, are also more likely to rear their ugly heads if you're a frequent sunbed user. In fact, sunbeds are now classified as Group 1 carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, putting them in the same category as tobacco and asbestos (International Agency for Research on Cancer)

Ageing Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

Difference between uv damaged and healthy skin

Sunbeds accelerate UV exposure, which damages your skin and ages you. 

If the increased cancer risk doesn't make you reconsider your sunbed habits, how about the fact that they can prematurely age your skin faster than you can say "tan lines"? Sunbeds are notorious for wreaking havoc on your skin's elasticity and causing visible signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.

age spots on a mans arm

Sunbeds will accelerate age spots, which can appear all over your body and face.

Exposing your skin to the UV radiation from sunbeds breaks down collagen and elastin fibers, which are like the scaffolding that keeps your skin firm and youthful. Over time, this can lead to sagging skin and a tired, leathery appearance (NHS). Is that really the look you're going for when you seek out a tan?

The Safer Alternative: Gradual Tanning Moisturisers

Now that we've laid out the harsh truth about sunbeds, it's time to introduce you to a kinder, gentler way to achieve that perfect tan you crave: gradual tanning moisturisers. These miracle products are your ticket to a natural-looking tan without the risks associated with sunbeds.

Club Ten Men's Gradual Tanning Moisturiser with Fresh Leaf Tobacco Scent 500ml - £21.95 with Free Shipping. 

Gradual tanning moisturisers are specifically designed to provide a subtle, buildable tan over time. They're packed with moisturising ingredients to keep your skin soft and supple while giving you that healthy tanned look. Plus, they're incredibly easy to use – simply apply like regular moisturiser, and you're on your way to a healthier tan (British Skin Foundation).

In Conclusion

Sunbeds might offer a quick tan fix, but the long-term consequences for your skin just aren't worth it. The increased risk of skin cancer and premature aging should be reason enough to ditch the sunbeds for good.

Shop Club Ten Gradual Tanning Moisturiser and get 15% off with email sign-up. 

So, here's the bottom line: Protect your skin, protect your health, and opt for the safer alternative – gradual tanning moisturisers. Your skin will thank you, and you'll still achieve that beautiful, natural-looking glow without the risks. It's time to make a healthier choice and let your skin shine, the safe way!

Remember, your skin is your body's largest organ, and it deserves all the love and care in the world. Say goodbye to sunbeds and hello to a brighter, healthier future for your skin.

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