Struggling to stay sane this Christmas?

Here at Club Ten, we’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

You might be at home with your family this Christmas, or perhaps you managed to escape abroad (don’t forget that SPF), or maybe, like us at Club Ten Towers, you’re self-isolating and trying to hold it all together. Whichever option you’ve gone for it can be a challenge and we wanted to share some thoughts on how to get the most out of this imperfect Christmas.

Connect – but not always on social media

Whether alone or with family it can be tempting to seek refuge on social media. Connecting with people we love is extra important at Christmas, ring your nan, have a beer with your dad or send your isolating mate a check-in text. Christmas Instagram-scrolling can be depressing, especially if you’re spending the holiday alone, so log-off and have a proper chat with someone you love.

News and Social Media is pretty grim at the moment. Try to disconnect and enjoy. 

Look after #1!

Whatever you are doing this Christmas, the version we’ve been served up is certainly more stressful than usual. Don’t forget to take some time for yourself. What you do is up to you. At Club Ten, we like to lean into healthy skincare and grooming habits, to make up for the damage done indulging in food and wine. 

Don't forget to take a bit of time for yourself!

Support those around you

As great as Christmas is, it is no secret that it can be a difficult time for some. Is there someone in your life that could do with a hand this year? The spirit of giving and generosity can come in many forms, and there will undoubtedly be a friend or family member who could use a bit of love this Christmas.

Generosity can come in many forms - a gift, kind words or even just an ear for an hour

Focus on the simple pleasures

Covid has brought us uncertainty. For some of us, complete isolation. It’s easy to feel downtrodden. But remember that Christmas can be whatever you want it to be. If you can take pleasure in the little things – a festive drink, a Christmas special or a fancy new cosmetic product, you are setting yourself up for a nice time regardless of what may happen.  

Simple pleasures are guaranteed!

Merry Christmas from Club Ten!

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